She has never had any processed sugar! What did I start? Actually - Jesse had to put it in her mouth, she really didn't like it. =)
We were so blessed to have 50 of our friends and family come and join us for this fun party! She received so many wonderful books, many books from different cultures - WHICH I LOVE, a couple of black baby dolls - another favorite of hers, wooden blocks, handmade dresses, bows, toys, clothes, and... a CELL PHONE - smile smile smile.
The phone is actually for us - my parents put us on their plan so we can text with them, call them for free, ect! It's actually a great great idea because we had so few minutes on our plan, that we weren't able to talk to them as much as we would like. They live all the way in Oklahoma, 1500 miles away. =( But this way, Adalee NEVER has to worry about not talking to them. She LOVES to talk on the phone with them and SKYPE with them. It's almost an every day occurrence.
Our friends and family, at her party, had the chance to pray over our little girl too - what a blessing. I am so happy that we get to raise Adalee with people who LOVE her so much. I really do believe that it takes a village to raise a child - that's what I HATE about this culture! Why does everyone believe that they can or are supposed to do it on their own? We can't do it on our own. I am happy that we do have our little own village that is helping us raise her. So thank you to our "village!" We love you! And thank you for loving our baby!
Dear Lord, Thank you for my little Adalee Maiah! Thank you for sparing her little life from Cystic Fibrosis. Thank you for filling her with joy, energy, and love for every little thing. You have blessed us far beyond what I could imagine. Thank you for teaching me how much you love me through the love you have given me for my daughter! Help us to raise her to know you intimately. Grow her faith. Bring her people in her life that speak truth to her, that will love her for her. Bring her friends - good girl friends. Give her a husband one day that is just like her daddy is to me. One who treats her like a queen. One that loves her like YOU love us. One that is gentle and kind and that LOVES YOU! Give us many, many more memories with her! And prepare her for our new little one(s) you will be bringing us from Ghana. Help her to be a GREAT sister, and bond them LORD.
Help me to always see her how YOU see her!
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