Saturday, September 5, 2009

Yucky Money!

Money... YUCK! I hate money! I hate how much this whole process costs! I hate that we have to pay close to $25,000 to just bring a child home - and that doesn't include buying him clothes or a bed! We have applied for 3 grants that hopefully will put a dint in our costs. However, we just got a "lovely" email from one of the organizations telling us that due to the economy - people had stopped giving and they had no funds to give to parents who wanted to adopt! Seriously? I don't know how God will provide for our little one to come home, but I know He will! I trust that He will! I have to trust - I don't have a choice! He is the only one who can provide for us. If you know of any grants for adoptions, or would love to contribute - or know any one who would like to contribute - please email me! Your prayers are SO needed at this time. Pray for our little one(s), pray for AAI that they can take care of them until we get to Ghana! Pray for their birth mom and family, for comfort - for the chance to meet us when we're in Ghana. Pray for us, that God will prepare us, that He will provide for every detail needed to bring this child home. And pray for patience for ME! That I can patiently wait on God and His timing! xoxo, B

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